



  1. Delphiをインストールする
  2. 自作する



touch -h
Touch Version 5.0 Copyright (c) 1995-2010 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Usage: TOUCH [options] [filename(s)...]
This utility sets the date and time of the listed files to be the current
(or specified) date and time.  (wild cards * and ? ok)
  -a, -f, -m are quietly ignored for Unix compatibility.
  -c    does not create the file if nonexistent (default is to create it)
  -D    allow directory names to be touched (when wildcards specified)
  -h    detailed help
  -n    lists files, doesn't change the date/time (for testing rsp files)
  -rfilename sets the specified files to the same date/time as 'filename'
  -s    recurse through subdirectories
  -t and -d can be used with any of the following date and time formats:
     nnddhhmm[yy] Unix syntax sets date&time (nn=month, year is optional)
     hh:mm[:ss]   Borland syntax sets time only (seconds are optional)
     mm/dd/yy     Borland syntax sets date only (mm-dd-yy also works)
     ranges: month:01-12, day:01-31, hour:00-23, min:00-59, sec:00-59,
             year:the last 2 digits of the year representing 1980-2079
  -v    verbose mode, prints out the files processed
  -w    warn about unlocatable files and bad time values (default is to warn)
@xxxx specifies response file xxxx where any combinations of options or files
can be listed (up to 10 levels of response file nesting allowed).
Long file names must be quoted if spaces are embedded in them (in both response
files and on the command line)



  • wiki/dokuwiki/dos/コマンドプロンプトのtouch.txt
  • 最終更新: 2024/05/19 23:32
  • by hoorayeri